Study Abroad

Study Abroad

Why Study Abroad? 

At the University of Richmond, the question is not whether our students will encounter the world while here — it's when and how often. More than 65 percent of students make the most of their time by studying abroad in semester, short-term, or summer programs that fit within their academic paths. These experiences away from campus provide opportunities for all students to blend intellectual pursuits with cultural immersion.

Contact Us

Office of International Education
Carole Weinstein International Center, suite 103
Phone: (804) 289-8836

Study Abroad in Art History

Students who major or minor in art history benefit greatly from seeing works of art "in situ," that is, in the sites for which they were made. They also have the opportunity to study works they might not ordinarily come into contact within the United States.

Students are expected to take most of their core art history courses at UR, no more than two courses taken abroad will count for the major, and no more than one course taken abroad will count for the minor.

Art History Study Abroad Adviser

Contact Dr. Elena Calvillo for advising specifically related to study abroad.

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  • Academic Planning Considerations

    ARTH 365: Theories and Methodologies is offered only in the spring semester. Art History majors who study abroad in the fall should enroll in ARTH 365 in the spring. If studying abroad for the full year, majors are encouraged to take the course in the spring of their second year instead of the spring of their fourth year when they will be writing their theses.

    ARTH 465-466: Thesis is a two-semester sequence for seniors that should be considered when planning to study abroad.

    Before choosing a study abroad program, art history majors should meet with Dr. Elena Calvillo, the art history study abroad advisor, for advising specifically related to study abroad.

  • Recommended Programs

Study Abroad in Visual & Media Arts Practice

With appropriate advanced course planning visual and media arts practice students (VMAP) can easily accommodate an experience abroad. In fact, several of our study abroad programs are designed specifically for VMAP students who wish to incorporate their interest in visual art with an experience abroad. Studying abroad is an excellent way for VMAP students to set themselves apart from other aspiring artists and applicants to graduate programs.

VMAP Study Abroad Adviser

Contact Tanja Softic for advising specifically related to study abroad.
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  • Considerations by Year

    First-Year Students

    Visual and media arts practice students who intend to study abroad should meet with Professor Tanja Softić to develop a curricular plan that incorporates their interests while satisfying the necessary prerequisite courses for the major.

    Second-Year Students

    Study abroad during the second semester, sophomore year is possible for visual and media arts practice students, but is generally not encouraged for two reasons.

    First, it is recommended that students develop a strong knowledge in working across a variety of media prior to studying abroad. This will help to ensure that you choose a program that best fits your individual goals and interests.

    Second, the Department of Art and Art History organizes the course schedule based upon the fact that the majority of visual and media arts practice majors study abroad in the fall semester of their junior year.

    Third-Year Students

    Study abroad during the fall semester of the junior year is highly recommended. Students at this stage will have developed individual interests and will have a strong sense of what they want to gain from the study abroad experience.

    In the spring of their junior year, visual and media arts practice majors return to the University of Richmond and begin their independent studio work in VMAP 351: Contemporary Theory and Practice for Artists.

    Students who have studied abroad in strong visual and media arts practice programs tend to return to the University of Richmond with a stronger sense of purpose and general knowledge of international contemporary art.

    Fourth-Year Students

    It is not possible for visual and media arts practice majors to study abroad in their fourth-year of studies at the University of Richmond. In order to graduate with a degree in visual and media arts practice, students must complete VMAP 465 Advance Studio Practice in the fall of their senior year.

  • Recommended Programs