Art History Major & Minor Requirements
The Art History Major
Note: A grade of not less than C (2.0) is required in each course comprising the major.
Ten units, including:
ARTH121 Survey I: Prehistory through the Middle Ages
ARTH122 Survey II: Renaissance to the Present
Four 200 or 300-level electives in Art History from each of the following areas. One of the electives must be ARTH319 Advanced Seminar:
Late Antique and Medieval Art
Renaissance and Baroque Art (1300-1700)
The History of Art after 1700
Non-western Art History
(Note: ARTH322 Museum Studies, and ARTH345 Philanthropy in the Arts, do not meet one of these electives)
One studio art course
ARTH365 Art Theories and Methodologies
ARTH465 Thesis Research Seminar
ARTH466 Thesis Research Project
Students propose their thesis topics in the spring of their junior year, completing their research and preliminary research writings in ARTH465 and the final text of their thesis and associated oral presentation in ARTH466.
Majors should take ARTH121- ARTH122 before enrolling in 300-level art history courses. Independent Studies cannot be substituted for required courses in the art history major.
In addition to the above, the following are strongly recommended to supplement the major:
ARTH388 Individual Internship
CLSC220 Introduction to Archaeology
CLSC301 Greek Art and Archaeology
CLSC302 Roman Art and Archaeology
CLSC321 Archaeology of the Middle East
RELG251 Sacred Arts of India
RELG262 Sacred Arts of Native America
Note: These courses cannot be substituted for major requirements, which must be fulfilled through art history department offerings. No more than two courses taken abroad will count for the major.
The Art History Minor
Note: A grade of not less than C (2.0) is required in each course comprising the minor.
Six units, including:
ARTH121 Survey I: Prehistory through the Middle Ages
ARTH122 Survey II: Renaissance to the Present
One studio art course
Three art history electives at the 200 or 300-level from the following areas:
Non-Western Art
Late Antique and Medieval Art
Renaissance and Baroque Art (1300-1700)
History of Art after 1700
Two of the three courses must be in two different areas.
(Note: Neither ARTH322 Museum Studies, and ARTH345 Philanthropy in the Arts, meets these electives requirements.)
No more than one course taken abroad will count for the minor.