Transfer Credit Approval Procedures

Visual Media and Arts Practice Coordinator: Jeremy Drummond

Art History Coordinator: Elena Calvillo

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  • Approval Procedures For Transferring General Course Credit

    Before signing up for the class at another institution, students should e-mail a copy of the course catalog description to either the visual & media arts practice coordinator or the art history coordinator depending on the subject of the course. The visual & media arts practice or art history coordinator will then let you know whether the class qualifies for transfer tothe University of Richmond. Credit may transfer only for courses that are comparable to the work required for art history or visual & media arts practice courses offered at the University of Richmond. Please read the course catalog descriptions carefully.

    Upon return to campus, you should submit your transfer credit information to the art & art history academic administrative coordinator located in Office #221 in the Visual Arts Building. Theacademic administrative coordinator will then contact you after the form has been signed and is available for pick up. Please allow a few days turnover time for signing to take place.

    Please submit the following information depending on origin of transfer credit (U.S. vs. study abroad):

    • U.S. Transfer Credit: A single sheet with the catalog course description (usually found at given school’s registrar website) along with a completed Transfer Work Approval Form. This form is available in the Registrar’s Office.
    • Study Abroad Transfer Credit: A single sheet with the catalog course description (usually found at given school’s registrar website) along with a completed Student Abroad Course Approval Form. This form is available in the Office of International Education.
  • Approval Procedures For Transferring FSVP Course Credit

    Before signing up for the class, students should e-mail a copy of the course catalog description to the current visual & media arts practice coordinator. The coordinator will then let you know whether the class will satisfy FSVP requirements at the University of Richmond.

    Upon return to campus, you should submit your transfer credit information to theart & art history academic administrative coordinator located in Office #221 in the Visual Arts Building. Theart & art history academic administrative coordinator will then contact you after the form has been signed and is available for pick up. Please allow a few days turnover time.

    Please submit the following information depending on origin of transfer credit (U.S. vs. study abroad):

    • U.S. Transfer Credit: A single sheet with the catalog course description (usually found at given school’s registrar website) along with a completed Transfer Work Approval Form. This form is available in the Registrar’s Office.
    • Study Abroad Transfer Credit: A single sheet with the catalog course description (usually found at given school’s registrar website) along with a completed Student Abroad Course Approval Form. This form is available in the Office of International Education.

    Please note that there has to be a creative component in the class for you to receive FSVP credit. Read the below description of FSVP requirements very carefully.

    Visual and Performing Arts (FSVP)

    The field of visual and performing arts considers questions having to do with the forms, traditions, meaning and historical contexts of works in visual and performance media and explores issues of method, process and personal resources in the media.

    Courses satisfying this requirement are centrally concerned with the roles of creation and interpretation in the study of art. They develop in students an enhanced understanding of art both by fostering their intellectual appreciation of works of art and by involving them in the creative process. These courses are suffused with the notion that the arts are a powerful and profound influence on human perception and understanding.

  • Approval Procedures For Advanced Placement Art History Course Credit

    Students who receive a 5 on the AP art history exam are given credit for either ARTH 121 (Survey 1: Prehistory through the Middle Ages) or ARTH 122 (Renaissance to the Present). Before selecting one of the two surveys students should consult with the art history advisor to determine which course is more appropriate.