Visual and Media Arts Practice Major & Minor Requirements

  • Major

    The Visual and Media Arts Practice Major

    Note: A grade of not less than C (2.0) is required in each course comprising the major. 

    11 units, including: 

    • Group A: Foundation Requirements 

      • Foundations are prerequisites for all upper level Visual and Media Arts Practice classes and should be taken first and as early as possible. 

        • VMAP211 Foundations in Visual and Media Arts Practice A 

        • VMAP212 Foundations in Visual and Media Arts Practice B

    • Group B: Intermediate & Advanced Visual and Media Arts Practice 

      • Five electives, including at least one course at the 300-level and no more than one course at the 100-level, chosen from: 

        • VMAP112 Introduction to Drawing 

        • VMAP113 Introduction to Painting 

        • VMAP114 Introduction to Sculpture 

        • VMAP115 Introduction to Printmaking 

        • VMAP116 Introduction to Photography 

        • VMAP117 Introduction to Film, Sound and Video 

        • VMAP250 Drawing Techniques and Concepts 

        • VMAP251 Human Figure Drawing 

        • VMAP252 Observational/Representational Painting: The Figure and Its Spaces 

        • VMAP253 Painting: Abstract, Conceptual, Process, and Material 

        • VMAP254 Sculpture Methods: Materials and Processes 

        • VMAP255 Sculpture Methods: Computer Modeling and Fabrication 

        • VMAP256 Printmaking Techniques and Concepts 

        • VMAP257 Artist's Book 

        • VMAP258 Darkroom Photography 

        • VMAP259 Digital Photography 

        • VMAP260 Thematic Explorations in Sound and Video Art 

        • VMAP261 Independent Film and Video: Curatorial Practice and Presentation 

        • VMAP262 Digital America Journal and Internet Art History

        • VMAP279 Selected Topics 

        • VMAP287 Print in Public Space

        • VMAP295 Animation, Motion Graphics, and Sequential Media

        • VMAP296 Video Art and Alternative Media: History, Theory, & Practice

        • VMAP300 Drawing Media Studio 

        • VMAP302 Painting Media Studio 

        • VMAP304 Sculpture Media Studio 

        • VMAP306 Printmaking Media Studio 

        • VMAP308 Photography Media Studio 

        • VMAP310 Time-Based Media Studio

        • VMAP355 Artist’s Film and Video: Approaching Narrative

    • Group C: Art History and Theory requirements

      • One Art History Survey ARTH121 or ARTH122  

      • One Art History elective 

      • VMAP351 Contemporary Theory and Practice for Artists OR (in consultation with the major advisor and Art History Coordinator) ARTH365 Art Theories and Methodologies 

    • Group D: Capstone Course

    •  Senior Thesis Exhibition Option 

      • VMAP466 Senior Thesis Exhibition*** 

      *Offered only in spring semesters. Should be taken in the spring of junior year. 

     **Offered only in fall semesters. Must be taken in the fall semester of senior year. 

     ***Enrollment in this course is contingent upon individual student plans, successful completion of VMAP465 and faculty recommendation.  While it is not required for completion of the Visual and Media Arts Practice Major, it is highly recommended for students planning to develop careers as artists. 

  • Minor

    The Visual and Media Arts Practice Minor

    Note: A grade of not less than C (2.0) is required in each course comprising the minor. 

    Six units, including: 

    • Group A: Foundation Requirements 

      • Foundations are prerequisites for all upper level Visual and Media Arts Practice classes and should be taken first and as early as possible. 

        • VMAP211 Foundations in Visual and Media Arts Practice A 

        • VMAP212 Foundations in Visual and Media Arts Practice B

    •  Group B: Three electives (no more than one course at the 100-level) chosen from:  

      • VMAP112 Introduction to Drawing 

      • VMAP113 Introduction to Painting 

      • VMAP114 Introduction to Sculpture 

      • VMAP115 Introduction to Printmaking 

      • VMAP116 Introduction to Photography 

      • VMAP117 Introduction to Film, Sound and Video 

      • VMAP250 Drawing Techniques and Concepts 

      • VMAP251 Human Figure Drawing 

      • VMAP252 Observational/Representational Painting: The Figure and Its Spaces 

      • VMAP253 Painting: Abstract, Conceptual, Process, and Material 

      • VMAP254 Sculpture Methods: Materials and Processes 

      • VMAP255 Sculpture Methods: Computer Modeling and Fabrication 

      • VMAP256 Printmaking Techniques and Concepts 

      • VMAP257 Artist's Book 

      • VMAP258 Darkroom Photography 

      • VMAP259 Digital Photography 

      • VMAP260 Thematic Explorations in Sound and Video Art 

      • VMAP261 Independent Film and Video: Curatorial Practice and Presentation 

      • VMAP262 Digital America Journal and Internet Art History

      • VMAP279 Selected Topics 

      • VMAP287 Print in Public Space

      • VMAP295 Animation, Motion Graphics, and Sequential Media

      • VMAP296 Video Art and Alternative Media: History, Theory, & Practice

      • VMAP300 Drawing Media Studio 

      • VMAP302 Painting Media Studio 

      • VMAP304 Sculpture Media Studio 

      • VMAP306 Printmaking Media Studio 

      • VMAP308 Photography Media Studio 

      • VMAP310 Time-Based Media Studio

    •  Group C: One Art History unit, chosen from: 

      • ARTH121 Survey I: Prehistory through the Middle Ages 

      • ARTH122  Survey II: Renaissance to the Present