Medieval and Renaissance Studies Concentration
Interdisciplinary Concentration in Medieval and Renaissance Studies for English Majors
Seven units, including:
ENGL 308 / IDST 390 Interdisciplinary Studies in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
One 300- or 400-level course in Medieval literature and one 300- or 400-level course in Renaissance literature, chosen from:
Three units from at least two different departments outside of English, chosen from below. Special topics courses in medieval and renaissance may be substituted with prior approval from the departmental coordinator.
ARTH210 Late Antique and Byzantine Art
ARTH212 Medieval European Art
ARTH215 Art of the Italian Renaissance
ARTH216 Art in the Age of Reform
ANTH306 The Classical Tradition
FREN325 Medieval and Early Modern Society
FREN420 The French Middle Ages
FREN421 Renaissance
HIST225 Medieval Italy
HIST227 High Middle Ages
HIST230 The Renaissance
HIST233 Reformation Europe
ITAL423 Le Tre Corone: Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio
LAIS421 Christians, Jews and Muslims from Frontier to Empire: Medieval Spain
LAIS431 Imperial Spain: The Age of Conflict
LAIS432 True Lies: Fiction and Truth in Don Quijote
PLSC311 Classical Political Thought
RELG258 Religion & the Medieval Imagination
RELG273 Witchcraft and Its Interpreters
RELG358 Desire and Identity in the Renaissance: Self, History and Knowledge
A final critical paper examining one or more works relevant to the major shall be completed in the junior or senior year preferably as the final project in ENGL 308/IDST 390 or in another appropriate upper-division English course with prior approval from the concentration coordinators.
Students also will be encouraged to consider enrolling in any number of the following courses (these courses will not, however, count toward the six courses in Medieval and Renaissance Studies required of English major concentrators):
ARTH121 Survey I: Prehistory through the Middle Ages
ARTH122 Survey II: Renaissance to the Present
CLSC301 Greek Art and Archeology
CLSC302 Roman Art and Archeology
ENGL234 Shakespeare
FREN422 Le Siècle Classique
GREK301 Greek Epic
GREK302 Greek Drama
HIST223 The Roman Empire
PHIL362 Philosophy of Religion
RELG241 Introduction to Early Christian Era
RELG342 Whores, Dragons, and the Anti-Christ: Revelation and the Apocalyptic Imagination